Dealer Accounts

Here at PMW we have created one simple, competitive plan for all of our luxury car dealers.

List as many cars as you wish, for as long as you need too. No limits, no restrictions. Plus, receive competition free advertising across your dealer profile and prestige car listings. We don't show other seller's cars on another sellers profile or listing detail pages.

All the car ads and profile pages are optimised for search. Ensuring that you receive target driven advertising. A valuable asset that we are proud to offer all our sellers.

To find out more about what is included in our dealer services, view or download our Dealer Brochure below;

Dealer Brochure

We decided from the beginning to make pricing simple, clear and transparent to all of our customers.

Dealer accounts cost £495.00 per month. Save 1 month and pay 6 monthly. Dealer account fees exclude VAT.

Buy. Sell. Succeed.

Buy & Sell prestige cars and succeed with Prestige Motor Warehouse.

Dealer Accounts | Luxury Car Trading Platform | Prestige Motor Warehouse